369shamanic@gmail.com Contact 778 229 5336

"Shine your light as bright as possible - nothing else but, love will survive in that vibration" - Zohra (Venus)
Zohra will help you navigate the subtle realms with compassion, integrity and grace.
I have worked with this amazing human both as a client and co-facilitator of group events.
I have benefitted greatly from working with her. I highly recommend working with her.
~ Matthew Kocel, “Cosmic Throat Singer”/Sonic Alchemist
Dear Zohra Thank-you so much for my beautiful session today . I feel so blessed to have been in your presence. You are indeed a very gifted and powerful healer. I felt blessed from the time I walked into your apartment . In the session I knew something profound was happening for me. It was as if I had been taken to the hut of the grandmothers' and loved on, healed and infused with wisdom. I felt reborn. What a gift you are. I am glowing and feeling so peaceful and clear. Bless you for this.There are no words to describe the experience except grace, peace and love and even these are inadequate. I am filled with gratitude for you and your gifts. Blessings to you wise beautiful woman. Namaste Paulette
-- Paulette T. RN,RCC,MA
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the healing yesterday. ♥️ I woke up feeling so different, really light, my throat feels the most different way less constricted and clear! I had a wonderful sleep for the first time in what feels like eternity.
I feel like a new person and can't wait to start living in this truer version of myself. You are such a gift to this world! I wish that everyone could experience your magic!
I love you so much thanks again and have a wonderful day!!
Hi my lovely Zohra!
A thousand thank yous to you for the session. It was truly beyond… I feel so much peace now. I am forever grateful for the amount of releasing that was allowed to happen because of your love and extraordinary divine galactic otherworldly healing. You feel like the mother of all mothers - with patience kindness and goddess grace. I’m still piecing everything together and already I’m starting to feel less of a grip with things….so much love to you thank you, thank you. Such a blessing to have found you.
🥰✨💕❤️🙏🏽 - Vicktoria T
Hi Zohra!!!
Oh my goodness do I feel amazzzzing!!! I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the amount of time and work you put into the session with me. I have no idea how you knew those things about me, but extremely grateful that you were able to tune in to this information to address it with me. You are connected to something amazing and divine 💕💫🙌 I didn’t realize you would spend so much time on me - thank you thank you thank you so much. I really got everything out of me. I tried to do the same process at home, but I feel like it’s gone and nothing is left. I listened to you during our session, so I tried very hard to push myself as far as possible. The heaviness has been washed away. I feel extremely blessed that you contacted me and were able to do this. Sending you so much love and many many many blessings 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. I hope you don’t mind, but I made a special prayer to ensure you reach as many people as possible and great success because, you and everyone deserve this and everything.
- Sheila H
After just one group session with Zohra, I noticed a subtle but profound shift in navigating the world of duality. I am now able to effortlessly and with ease bring light to earthly experiences and actualize in real time our true nature, Devine Love, for my own welfare and hopefully the welfare of all. I feel home again and I hope you will too. Give yourself a gift of new you!
- Ljubica P.
“Thank you Zohra,
For the healing session you held for me! Although it was at distance but, you picked up on every blockage and emotional resistance I was sensing and helped me move through it comfortably and securely. I can’t thank you enough for the lightness and peace I felt afterwards. I really did not expect to get so much out of one session! So grateful! A million thank you!!!”
- May H.
Cette séance d'accompagnement chamanique avec Zohra était d'une richesse et d'une profondeur! Zohra est une véritable médium, en réelle connexion à ce qui Est. La sincérité de sa spiritualité et l'authenticité de sa démarche se ressentent à travers l'amour et la gratitude qui émanent naturellement d'elle dans le moment présent et elle sait nous faire voir les multiples bénédictions dont notre vie déborde. Grâce à son intuition, à son incroyable écoute, à sa capacité d'Être dans l'instant, à son ressenti précis, Zohra sait guider sans imposer, en s'adaptant à la personne qu'elle accompagne, tant à l'aide de la visualisation que par l'utilisation d'accessoires sacrés qui nous plongent dans une atmosphère et une énergie propices à l'ouverture à plus grand que soi. Si j'étais déjà enracinée et connectée avant la séance, je suis tout de même ressortie de celle-ci nourrie de davantage de prises de conscience évolutives et éclairantes quant à mon égo et à mon chemin de vie. Cette séance m'a apporté une vision encore plus élargie de la manière d'offrir l'Amour dans un plus pur altruisme. C'est sans hésitation aucune que je vous recommande chaudement tant l'expérience que la chamane qui vous guidera à travers celle-ci. Magnifique approche à découvrir auprès de Zohra pour quiconque souhaite un accompagnement authentique dans son cheminement!
Avec amour et gratitude,
Céline 🙏✨💖 achedemic school teacher and medium
I never thought I would be able to feel this peace and freedom in my heart. I didn’t know that is possible. My relationships were falling appart. You helped me see it from a bigger picture. You also so skillfully got me to go deep to clear and heal my relationship with my mother, my family and myself. In mere one session you were able to bring me so much resolve. All those bottled up emotions I had buried for years, no longer follow me. You are devine presence. Thank you for the messages from my mother. I am forever grateful to you.
- H. Chajanam Surrey, Canada
Hi Zohra,
Thank you so much dear…so much…so much… so much. Thank you for a new life. Words are useless now, only choices of actions that will keep me in light and love would be a good way of thanking you. L. S. Burnaby BC
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Ashley talks about his experience -